Environmental Training
Proud Distributor of
Aerospace America
Air Filtration Equipment for Indoor Air Quality
FTV-1 Negative air machine shutdown
NYSDOL Fast Track Variance 2
FTV-2 Exhausting to an interior space
FTV-3 Elevator Door Removal Conditions
NYSDOL Fast Track Variance 4
FTV-4 Fire-Door Removal Conditions
NYSDOL Fast Track Variance 5
FTV-5 Crawlspace with dirt floors
NYSDOL Fast Track Variance 6
FTV-6 Intact Component Removals
FTV-7 Buried Transite Pipe Removal
NYSDOL Fast Track Variance 8
FTV-8 HEPA Drilling Conditions
FTV-9 Air Sampling at Elevated Exhaust Duct Locations
NYSDOL Fast Track Variance 10
FTV-10 Controlled Demolition with NF to Remain in Place
NYSDOL Applicable Variance AV-A1
Controlled Demolition of
Municipally-Owned Vacant
Buildings/Structures Up to
3-Stories in Height
NYSDOL Applicable Variance AV-A2
Negative Air Ventilation
Exhaust Greater than 25
Foot in Length
NYSDOL Applicable Variance AV-A3
Non-friable ACM Floor
Covering Mastic Removal
Using Chemical Methods
along with Low-speed Floor
NYSDOL Applicable Variance AV-A4
Removal or Cleanup of Intact
Minor Size Non-friable ACM
Floor Tile
NYSDOL Surrender of Records Guidance
Guidance from NYSDOL Asbestos Control Bureau on surrender of asbestos project records
Code Rule 56 Asbestos
NYSDOL Code Rule 56 Guidance Document
GUIDANCE DOCUMENT (redline version 2.0,