Environmental Training
Proud Distributor of
Aerospace America
Air Filtration Equipment for Indoor Air Quality
Lead Courses
Lead Risk Assessor Refresher
Lead Renovators RRP Initial
8 Hours $200
For home improvement contractors, property management firms, handymen or others compensated for renovations that disturb more than 6 sq. ft. (interior) and/or 20 sq. ft. (exterior) of paint or surface coating in pre-1978 housing where a child resides or is expected to reside. Includes background, health effects, regulations, safe work practices, paint testing and cleaning verification.
Lead Renovators RRP Refresher
4 Hours $135
For certified renovators seeking to meet USEPA requirements for refresher training every five years. Includes the latest developments in lead hazard control and updates on regulations and industry standards. Course must be completed before current training certificate expires.
16 Hours $330
For on-site personnel engaged in lead abatement activities in residential properties, including health department ordered projects, United States Housing and Urban Development grant programs, Public & Indian Housing abatement programs and military abatement projects.
8 Hours $155
Supervisor, worker, risk assessor and inspector certifications must be renewed every three years under USEPA requirements. Course and EPA application process must be completed before current certification expires.
Lead Risk Assessor
16 Hours $385
For those who conduct risk assessments, hazard evaluation, and clearance examinations in target housing and child-occupied facilities, as well as those conducted elevated blood level investigations. Includes HUD protocol and practices for risk assessment, hazard screen, bypass hazard identification and re-assessment.
Lead Risk Assessor Refresher
8 Hours $155
Supervisor, worker, risk assessor and inspector certifications must be renewed every three years under USEPA requirements. Proof of eligibility is required.
32 Hours $570
For those who will supervise on-site abatement activities, prepare occupant protection plans and complete abatement reports. Includes health effects, medical monitoring, personal protective equipment, State of the Art hazard control strategies, engineering controls, legal liability, insurance considerations, supervisory practices and waste disposal.
8 Hours $155
Supervisor, worker, risk assessor and inspector certifications must be renewed every three years under USEPA requirements. Proof of eligibility is required.
24 Hours
For those who conduct lead-based paint inspections, surveys, paint sampling and clearance examinations in target housing and child-occupied facilities. Skills are also applicable for those who perform investigations at commercial, institutional and industrial facilities.
8 Hours $155
Supervisor, worker, risk assessor and inspector certifications must be renewed every three years under USEPA requirements. Proof of eligibility is required.